Category: Monthly Art
Cynthia Tipton – Artist
When you take a look at Cynthia Tipton’s artwork, you may find that it’s looking back at you. Cynthia is, as she puts it, a jack of all trades, so it’s difficult to pin her down. If you visit her studio, you might find her occupied teaching a figure drawing class, or even knitting, but…
Lesley Eaton – Featured Artist
Like many artists before her, Lesley Eaton, our featured artist for August, questioned her vocation. It was in college when those pangs of doubt hit her – but like many other creatives, instead of leading her to some truly profitable and practical study like accounting, Eaton says, “I decided studying English literature and creative writing…
Kellan Catani – July/August 2016 Artist
It’s hard not to love a spoon. From small to large, the spoon is the bearer of many good things – heaped with sugar, wrapped in honey, filled with soup or mounded high with sour cream, spoons contribute much to the life worth living. So much do we love the spoon that we’re decorating our…
Carl Gombert – May/June 2016 Featured Artist
Carl Gombert believes in magic. And if you were to meet him, in person you might sense some magical vibe – the good kind that tells you if a person has been to Narnia, knows talking beasts and believes in Aslan. It’s the magic of play and imagination. Gombert is currently the featured artist at…
March Artist Rick Whitehead
This month on Market Square, Tomato Head will be the home to an intriguing exhibit by artist Rick Whitehead; it features a dramatic series of pictures from the equally dramatic tornado season of 2011 when funnel clouds and hail descended upon Knoxville in nearly Biblical proportions. “It’s a series of photographs that I took over…
Jordan Kear – February Artist
This month, the walls of Tomato Head Downtown will feature the work of an emerging artist with a unique style that, he says, is still in development. Jordan Kear, a graduate of the Appalachian Center for Crafts at Tennessee Technological University, works primarily with wood in a style that he hasn’t yet tried very hard…
January’s Featured Artist: Jonathan Howe
In Nature, Emerson wrote, “love of beauty is Taste. Others have the same love in such excess, that, not content with admiring, they seek to embody it in new forms. The creation of beauty is Art.” Jonathon Howe, our featured artist this month, finds beauty in many places – from the warmth behind a face…
December’s Featured Artist: Lindsey Teague
Lindsey Teague is an artist who is inspired by Knoxville: “I live on Gay Street so I walk downtown all the time and notice the smell of the local business and the lights when the sun’s setting – all the things that make the city what it is – I like to capture that scene.”…
November’s Featured Artist: Sheila Lutringer
This month at Tomato Head the walls feature a broad assortment of work from artist Sheila Lutringer. It’s an intriguing exhibit that includes mostly acrylics and some pencil, but the subjects are eclectic and run the gamut from self-portrait to pie – all of which reflect the artist’s broad range of interests and inspirations (and…
Our Featured Artist: Barbara Johnson
When you visit Tomato Head this month, you’ll be amidst a series of paintings that are full of images that are industrial and/or mechanical. But, if you’ll take a moment to consider each one and let them sink in while you sit and eat, you may find yourself asking what it is you really saw.…