Loving Spoonful

We believe in the power of community.

Supporting our neighbors is part of our responsibility not only as business people but also as citizens of our city. As such, The Tomato Head is committed to teaming up with East Tennessee organizations to enrich the lives of the less fortunate in our community.

It’s on this philanthropic note that we’re announcing the launch our charitable giving program, Loving Spoonful.

Loving Spoonful is a partnership between East Tennessee nonprofits, regional craft breweries and The Tomato Head. We’ll hold a series of fundraisers and special events every month at both Tomato Head locations with a percentage of the proceeds raised going to our community partner.

We’re excited to launch our new program in February with proceeds benefitting one of Knoxville’s biggest supporters of local culture as well as being a valuable independent voice – WUTK 90.3 UT’s College of Rock. WUTK receives zero financial support for the University of Tennessee and needs funds for a much needed audio board.

We have many more East Tennessee nonprofits we’ll be celebrating throughout 2014 including Junior Achievement in March with Highland Brewing Company as our brewery partner. We have future fundraisers planned for Appalachian Mountain Bike ClubBeardsley FarmIjams Nature Center, and Imagination Library/Knox County Libraries.

Why the change?

By concentrating our energies on one nonprofit per month, we are better able to measure the impact of our giving as well as direct more money to and create greater awareness of each organization. Your continued support of The Tomato Head will further our charitable giving.

Loving Spoonful includes the following special events:

  • Sandwich Day fundraiser at each Tomato Head location with $3 from the sale of each special sandwich going to the charity.
  • Pint Night fundraiser at each Tomato Head location with $1 from each draft sold going to the nonprofit (It’s any draft beer sold, whether one the incredible offerings from our partner brewery or one of our other regional craft beers).
  • Beer Dinner fundraiser hosted at The Gallery of Knoxville location with $10 per guest going to the nonprofit. Seating is limited.
  • Tomato Head employees donating their time to the organization during a company-wide day of service.


Because of the significant number of donation requests we receive, we have put the following criteria and guidelines in place.

To be eligible for participation in our charitable giving program, preference is given to secular 501(c)3 groups that maintain a focus within the following areas:

  • Women & Children – Dedicated to the well-being of women and children with a particular interest in serving children with special needs, survivors of domestic violence, or at-risk populations in our community.
  • Arts, Culture & Humanities – Focused on preserving, commemorating and celebrating the artistic and cultural heritage of East Tennessee, including studio artists, performance art groups, public broadcasters, schools and museums.
  • Human Services – Attend to the housing needs of the homeless, feeding the hungry, or providing literacy programs for children and adults.
  • Environment – Promote conservation and sustainable management of land, water, plant and energy resources; promote preservation and appreciation of environment, including outdoor activities.


  • Educational Institutions (Exceptions are made for organizations within a university.)
  • Endowment Campaigns
  • Direct grants or scholarships to individuals
  • Political causes, candidates, organizations or campaigns
  • Advertising in charitable publications
  • Sports Organizations
  • Labor Groups
  • Conferences, galas and charity balls


All applications submitted must include the following information:

  • Organization’s Name, Address and Office Phone Number (we do not mail to P.O. Box addresses)
  • Organization’s IRS 501(c)3 number
  • Organization’s mission statement
  • Current roster of officers and board members
  • Summary of past year’s program service accomplishments with demonstrative results from previous fundraisers. For example, donating $10 provides (x) amount of services or feeds (x) number of people. See how Friends of Literacy describe their accomplishments (http://friendsofliteracy.org/donate/).
  • Three (3) most recent Form 990
  • Contact Person’s Name, Phone Number and Email Address
Due to the number of applications received, The Tomato Head does not accept phone calls regarding the status of a particular request and regrets that we cannot fulfill every one. Once your application has been reviewed, you will receive notification as to whether or not your request has been approved. Our preference is to direct our limited resources to local groups demonstrating the greatest need. Therefore, we are not able to accommodate out-of-area applications.


Each charity is evaluated on two bases – alignment of charitable mission with our values as described above and the following financial performance metrics; these include but are not limited to program expenses, administrative expenses, fundraising expenses and fundraising efficiency. Financial efficiency metrics are based on criteria and benchmarks set by bbb.org, charitynavigator.org, givewell.org and guidestar.org.


All requests must be submitted in writing on the organization’s letterhead (mail or email) to:

The Tomato Head

Attn: Michael Kuczmarski

12 Market Square
Knoxville, TN 37902

Or, submit your proposal to marketing@thetomatohead.com (Attn: Michael Kuczmarski)

For 2014, applications will be taken on a rolling basis with reviews occurring the last week of the month. The application deadline is 5PM EST, October 1 of current year to be considered for the next year’s partnership. No phone or in-person requests will be accepted other than materials dropped off for consideration.