The Tomato Head has partnered with Saw Works Brewing Company to create the anniversary beer honored after our 25th anniversary this August. It will be featured during our party on August 29th on Market Square, but otherwise it is only available in the Saw Works tasting room and at both Tomato Head locations.
The style of the anniversary beer is probably not what you would expect from Saw Works’ typically straightforward beer styles. The body is similar to a Scottish Shilling or English Mild, with a twist of chocolate rye malt. Neutral bittering hops keep earthy flavors out of the beer. The result is an ale body with chocolate rye notes that are usually found in darker beers. The anniversary beer is the perfect transition from late summer to fall. The body is light enough to drink in August’s heat, while the flavor looks forward to the coming season.
Scott, co-owner of The Tomato Head, came up with the recipe for this beer for everyone to boogie with while they get down to Scott Miller and the Commonwealth and a slew of great musicians playing at The Tomato Head anniversary party starting at 4:00 p.m. on August 29th. As a special treat, you don’t have to wait until then to try the special beer. It is already on tap at both Tomato Head locations at this very moment, so take a break from whatever you’re doing to taste the fruits of this rare moment in local history.